Use These Ideas to Keep Unwanted Guests Out
Over the winter, most rodents in Northern California hole up in various shelters they’ve established over the past weeks and months. Once the weather warms up and the days run longer, however, these invasive little critters head out in search of new food sources and new places to lay their heads and build a family. They might look cute in Pixar movies, but you certainly do not want a family of mice or rats in your home.
Once they have built a nest in your home, mice and rats can reproduce with astonishing speed. This new colony will quickly break into your food sources, chew through insulation and electric cables and spread diseases like ringworm and salmonella. To keep your property free of mice and rats, here are some rodent control tips in Butte County, CA.
Do a post-winter check
When the winter comes on, some rodents choose to nest in discreet spots in homes and businesses where they can secretly steal food and spend the months sleeping. When the spring months come on, however, those pests begin to breed.
If you’re in your home and a mouse or rat scampers across the floor, it’s probably already too late. Before that happens, make sure to do a spot check of out-of-the-way locations in your home like the back of the pantry, the attic and the basement. These are the ideal spots for rodents to set up families and start spreading out.
Keep things clean
You can make your post-winter check that much easier by making sure your home is clear of random clutter. At the very least, it’s a good idea to make sure any items you want to keep are tightly packaged in secure boxes or plastic containers.
Make sure food is put away
You might think that a couple of crumbs on your pantry floor are no big deal, but just a handful of edible food fragments can be a signal to rodents that more food is available. As a result, one of the most crucial rodent control tips in Butte County, CA is to store your food securely. Keep it off the ground and in sealed containers.
Keep entry points secure
If it’s been several years since you had your siding checked, it may be worthwhile to have a professional verify that there are no available points of entry. The same goes for your attic and basement spaces, as well. Make sure to pinpoint and seal up any potential means of entry into your home.
Your rodent control pro
The easiest of the rodent control tips in Butte County, CA is this: when you need a hand controlling your pests, call the experts. At Hobbs Pest Solutions, we have years of experience removing rodents and eradicating insect infestations. We have the skill to eliminate rats, mice, spiders, ants, termites, bedbugs, cockroaches and so much more. All you have to do is pick up the phone and give us a call.
We’re here to help you six days a week and on Sunday by phone, so don’t hesitate to call on the pros you can rely on.