The fall is one of the times of year during which pests are most likely to try to find ways into your home. After all, with the weather cooling off outside, they become more invested in finding a warm place to live, which means looking for cracks, holes and other ways to enter buildings. With this in mind, it can be a good idea for you to take some preventative measures to ensure your home is protected against a potential pest infestation this fall. Here are some simple principles of pest control in Butte County, CA for you to take... View Article
Spiders are genuinely miraculous creatures. They come in a vast array of sizes and shapes, some cute, some scary, some stunning. The webs they build are natural wonders that are held together by silk that, inch by inch, is stronger than steel. Additionally, most spiders are perfectly harmless… unless you’re a bug. Indeed, spiders may have a righteous claim to the title of being the best form of pest control in Butte County, CA. Yes, one spider is a delight (and only when it’s outside your home). Several spiders, on the other hand, is a different story. Spider infestations in... View Article
Finding out that you’re sharing space with a six- or eight-legged pest is always unsettling, but when you discover that you’re the prey of fleas, it’s especially bad. After all, when fleas are in your home, your entire family—pets included—are at risk. Not to worry, however. With these simple tips, you can prevent or combat fleas and promote the best pest control in Butte County, CA. Use monthly flea meds The most common way that fleas can ride their way into your home is on the back of your family’s pets. To prevent your dog or cat from becoming host... View Article
The last thing any homeowner wants to do is share their kitchen and living space with ants, and are therefore willing to do whatever it takes to keep the pests out. Fortunately, your local experts in pest controlling in Butte County, CA are here to tell you about some of the ways you can do just that. Here is a list of precautions you can take to prevent ants from becoming your next uninvited houseguests: Proper sealing: Ants can find their way into your home through any number of various entry points, some that are easily detectable, and others that... View Article
Although bed bugs are normally hard to spot, there are a few signs that can key you into their potential presence in your home. A full-scale bed bug infestation is the last thing you want, and knowing some of these signs in advance so that you can take action immediately with bed bug control in Butte County, CA is vital. Follow along with this guide to learn what you need to be on the lookout for to avoid a bed bug invasion: Overnight bites: Bed bug bites often go undetected because they can easily be mistaken for bites from another... View Article